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SharpDevelop dark color scheme

EDIT (February 11th 2012): I uploaded the scripts to github, I hope this way it will never go offline again :-)

EDIT (July 4th 2011): I updated the URL again (here and also added the version with highlighting for .NET keywords. If I have some time I'll try to port it to SD4.

I've been using SharpDevelop a lot in the past couple of weeks and I really like it, it's a hell of a lot lighter than Visual Studio and... it's open source!!

One of the things I was missing was a light-on-dark color scheme, so after a little digging I figured out how and here's what I got:

You can get it from here, just copy the file "CSharp-Mode.xshd" to "%UserProfile%\Application Data\ICSharpCode\SharpDevelop3.0\modes" and restart SharpDevelop.

Next:QTodoTxt - Cross-platform todo.txt GUI