Today we went on a three hour cruise around the islands (which I'm glad to say I survived without taking motion-sickness pills), we saw Tortoise Island and Monkey Island, we collected some cool shells on some island, and saw how the local people grow big-ass fish and all sorts of sea shells and stuff.
After the cruise we took a fast ferry back to the coast, and from there we took a car back to Hanoi, and now I'm lying on the bed, watching Friends on StarWorld and writing this blog post.
Since I'm writing these posts from my pocket pc I can't upload any photos. I hope I can upload some photos soon.
Well, good bye for now, have a great weekend!.
EDIT: Some photos:
Yours truly after breakfast, and in the back you can see the view from the hotel restaurant:
Top deck of the boat:
Tortoise Island:
Battle-Rooster: (they've got rooster fights here, this guy doesn't look so good, but since he's still alive it probably means he won...)
Sea star: (or whatever these things are called)
Rotem on board of the floating fishing village:
I think that little black spot on the top left is an eagle flying around the huge crusts:
Monkey Island: